German Greens Defend Nazi Main Station Building
German Greens defend Nazi Main Station Building:
Since 2010 and led by the Greens many residents of the city of Stuttgart and surroundings demonstrated against the partial abridgement and new contruction of the central station railway building of Stuttgart main station called Project Stutgart 21 (“Projekt Stuttgart 21”). Interesting detail: The architect of this railway station was Paul Bonartz, who was artistic (!) advisor of the high ranking Nazi Fritz Todt in the 1930s. Since the Nazis came into power in 1933, Todt was supervisor of the construction of the new imperial highway-system (which was primarily constructed to make Germany able to move troups quickly to the German borders). From 1934 on Todt was additionally Leader of the Nationalsocialist League for Technique (Nationalsozialistischer Bund Deutscher Technik), and in 1938 Todt founder of the Organization Todt (German: “Organisation Todt”), which, named after him, used slave labour for Nazi rearmament projects, and finally 1940 Todt became Imperial Minister for Armament and Munition of the whole Nazi-Empire. The outer appeareance of the railway station building in Stuttgart build by his artistic advisor Bonartz corresponds to those activities: It embodies influences of castles and of Valhalla [pagan place of recovery for dead fighters], says the architect of Project Stuttgart 21, Christoph Ingenhoven, and when I visited the building, it was obvious to me, that it was built under artistic National Socialist influence. The project Stuttgart 21, favoured by the Christian Democratic Party (CDU), intends not to demolish the old (Nazi) railway station, which according to my opinion is fit for demolition because of its history and its appearance, but to preserve only the central part of the building created by Bonartz, and to build a through station below it, similar to a (christian) catacomb.
The commitment of the Greens in favour of the railway station built by Bonartz, clearly shows, that this party on its migration between left and right has reached a spot, where it has become national liberal (German: nationalliberal) and, as the national liberals (Nationalliberalen) of the Weimar Republic, the DVP (Deutsche Volkspartei/GermanPeople’s Party) and the DNVP (Deutschnationale Volkspartei(German-national People’s Party), concludes alliances with national socialist tendencies, which still exist within the German population. Strictly speaking: With its partisanship in favour of the preservation of exactly this building the Greens Party shows, that it has become a potential ally of lasting National Socialists leanings within the German population and wants to take advantage of them at elections. Therefore German and foreign opponents of National Socialism have to adjust to the fact, that they can’t any longer count on the Green Party as an ally – if it has ever been one.
Thomas Folberth (written 2011, translated 2013).